Detroit is constantly reinventing and reinvigorating itself, and once again has become a popular event destination for everything from professional sports to big-name music concerts. But that’s just part of the story.
Best Detroit Tours: Experience the City by Land, Air or River
Topics: Detroit
Detroit will never be what it was during the early automotive boom years, but if you take a look around Detroit today, you’re likely to say, “It’s not the same as it was … it’s better!”
Truly rising from the ashes of a former life, Detroit (aka the D, Motown, and the Motor City) is being remade by people who know and love the city. New businesses, new entertainment venues, new restaurants and bars, even new transportation options are enticing people not only to visit, but to live and work in the D, spurring further growth in residential and commercial real estate. If your group wants to do its part in supporting the new and improved city of Detroit, take a look at what’s happening and start planning your next adventure.
Topics: charter bus trips, Detroit, Michigan events, Michigan Breweries
Time after the holidays — that stretch from New Year’s Day until spring break — can seem like years rather than months, so why not plan to take in some of the great exhibitions and shows held in Michigan every winter? If your group loves to take advantage of Pure Michigan in the summer, here’s a lineup of great show destinations your group will love this winter.
Topics: Detroit, Grand Rapids, Michigan events
As fall creeps in with its cooler nights and colorful vistas, it’s time to start thinking about food, the kind that sticks to your ribs and makes the house smell wonderful. If your group loves food, Fall Flavor Weekends at Greenfield Village are second to none. For one weekend in September and one in October, Greenfield Village features food from days gone by, including where it came from, how it was prepared and of course, how it tasted. It’s a foodie heaven your group will not want to miss. Plan now and book a bus for the weekend of Sep 29-30 or Oct 6-7 and enjoy days full of food and fun from morning until evening.
Topics: Detroit, festivals, Michigan Travel Ideas
The history of scheduled service bus travel probably goes back centuries, depending upon one’s interpretation of the word “bus.” Essentially any vehicle that could transport groups over the land might be considered a bus, but the first “modern” interpretation would probably be the “charabanc.”
Topics: Detroit, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Pure Michigan
Considering the Michigan Flyer? Here’s what you can expect
Is taking the Michigan Flyer worth it?
Understandably, that’s a frequently asked question. If you’ve never used the Michigan Flyer, it’s easy to wonder if the service is too good to be true. (Spoiler alert, it’s not.) If your destination requires air travel, using Michigan Flyer’s service to get to the airport is the perfect option.
Traveling isn’t what it used to be. Between airport security, flight delays, long layovers, and lost luggage, there’s a lot that can go wrong when it comes to your travel day itinerary. When you add the Michigan Flyer to your schedule, you’re guaranteeing yourself a smooth start to your destination.
Topics: Detroit, Lansing, Ann Arbor, michigan flyer
Let’s get this out in the air: If you haven’t been to Detroit recently, you don’t know what you’re missing. Long known for its blue-collar mentality, Motown music, and the automotive industry, Detroit is transforming into a 21st century metropolis, and Indian Trails can help you get there to experience it all.
Topics: Detroit, Charter Bus
These cheap bus tickets will help you explore Michigan’s hidden gems
Hidden gems are a big part of what makes the Great Lakes State so great. Sure, Pure Michigan is known worldwide for some of its more popular travel destinations, like Mackinac Island, or the Sleeping Bear Dunes, but there are countless lesser-known destinations and attractions that are right up there on the aw-factor scale. Jaw dropping scenery, fantastic food, unique communities, — and of course those magnificent lakes, can all be explored within two fabulous peninsulas.
The best part? Getting to these hidden gems isn’t hard — or expensive.
Topics: Detroit, Charter Bus
As a Marketing Specialist for the Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau, Danielle Sharp is your go-to when looking to charter a bus to Detroit.
Topics: Detroit