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What to Know Before Buying Bus Tickets Online

Posted by Chad Cushman

 “Now, that was easy.” A short, four-word sentence that can bring the most hardened online shoppers to their knees in praise.

Purchasing bus tickets online can have you singing those four little words over and over. But, you’ve got to know what to look out for during the buying process.

Before an online ticket purchase becomes easy, there’s a few bumps in the road that could hamper your enjoyment of the buying process; so, we’ve outlined some points to be on the lookout for as you look to buy your bus ticket online.

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Topics: bus industry, buying bus tickets online, online bus tickets, bus tickets

Wi-Fi, Outlets and more: Inside a modern charter bus

Posted by Chad Cushman

Charter buses are often judged unfairly by their past. If you’ve got memories of cramped seats, grumpy drivers, and noisy transit, you’ll be happy to hear that the charter bus industry has gone from inopportune to downright impressive. Some even say that chartering a bus has become cooler than carpooling.

We get why some are still skeptical. How are you supposed to know what’s really behind that massive metal exterior? At Indian Trails, we pride ourselves in implementing the latest and greatest amenities on our buses. Here are some of the top features inside one of our modern charter buses:

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Topics: modern charter bus, charter bus amenities, wifi on buses, bus industry, bus cleanliness, do charter buses have wi-fi, charter buses outlets

Explore Indian Trails' Detroit Bus Tours

Posted by Chad Cushman

Let’s get this out in the air: If you haven’t been to Detroit recently, you don’t know what you’re missing. Long known for its blue-collar mentality, Motown music, and the automotive industry, Detroit is transforming into a 21st century metropolis, and Indian Trails can help you get there to experience it all.

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Topics: charter bus trips, bus charter service, bus tour, Detroit

Top Casino Bus Trips in Michigan

Posted by Chad Cushman

Casino bus tours are a favorite pastime in Michigan, with plenty of choices throughout the region for those who love to play. Many charter bus companies – like Indian Trails – offer the option to plan an entire casino bus trip or tour for just you and your 40-50 closest friends.

Many of Michigan’s top casinos offer discounts for charter groups — allowing you to work with one of their coordinators to get you the best deal (Bonus: many of them include free slot play). With all the great casino trips to take in Michigan, we knew it would be hard to narrow it down, which is why we put together our list of the top casino bus trips to take in Michigan.

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Topics: casinos, Michigan casinos, Casino Bus Trips, Top Casinos in Michigan

These cheap bus tickets will help you explore Michigan’s hidden gems

Posted by Chad Cushman

Hidden gems are a big part of what makes the Great Lakes State so great. Sure, Pure Michigan is known worldwide for some of its more popular travel destinations, like Mackinac Island, or the Sleeping Bear Dunes, but there are countless lesser-known destinations and attractions that are right up there on the aw-factor scale. Jaw dropping scenery, fantastic food, unique communities, — and of course those magnificent lakes, can all be explored within two fabulous peninsulas.

The best part? Getting to these hidden gems isn’t hard — or expensive.

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Topics: charter bus trips, Holland, bus charter service, bus terminology, Detroit

Charter Bus Driving Jobs – Check Your Personality

Posted by Chad Cushman

What does personality have to do with driving a bus? More than you may think.

Maybe you are one of those rare lucky ones whose career path has always seemed pre-ordained. Maybe you’ve known since childhood that you were born to be a teacher, or an inventor, or an author of children’s books. And if you were really lucky, you grew up and actually figured out how to earn a living doing your dream job. But for much of the generation now approaching retirement, choosing a career was more of a “hit or miss” proposition. Many baby boomers chose jobs based on timing, geography, opportunity or serendipity. And whether they loved the job or not, they often stayed put for decades.

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Charter Bus Driver Jobs

Posted by Chad Cushman


“If you do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” - Marc Anthony

Chances are, you’ve heard this adage or some variation on it.  Maybe it was a career counselor, a coach, or even your grandpa who told you that if you make your living doing something you enjoy, it won’t feel like work. Well, sometimes life gets in the way and work does feel like work.  But it’s never too late to (a) discover that thing you love to do and (b) learn to do it well.  Just look at major league baseball pitcher Satchel Paige, jazz musician Miles Davis, astronaut John Glenn and artist Marc Chagall – all at the tops of their games in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.

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Stop Hesitating, Buy the Bus Tickets

Posted by Chad Cushman

When you need to get from Point A to Point B, you have plenty of options . . . but buying bus tickets is still one of the top modes of transportation. The industry can thank the millennial generation and its travel preferences for this spike in demand.  But Generation Y is not the only reason the industry has boomed in recent years. There are many advantages to traveling by bus rather than by airplane, train, or even automobile.

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How to Book Bus Tickets Online

Posted by Chad Cushman

Traveling by bus is eco-friendly, convenient, and affordable — which is why so many people are looking to book online bus tickets these days. Booking online bus tickets is a simple process that takes just a few minutes. Let’s run through the process from start to finish.

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Michigan Hot Spots and Bus Tickets to Get You There

Posted by Chad Cushman

The growing popularity of public transit has triggered demand for bus tickets around the country. The Great Lakes State is home to some of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and guess what? you can get to any of them on a bus. Whether you want to catch a game at the Big House, visit the State Capitol, or get away up north for a weekend, bus travel is a convenient and affordable way to get there. You’ll even be doing the environment a favor!

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