It’s almost as much fun as a jamboree when on June 13, Girl Scouts from across the Midwest converge on Cedar Point for a day-long celebration! And if your troop is among the first 500 girl scouts to enter, they’ll receive a free 2018 Girl Scout Day patch.
Cedar Point is a place that holds happy memories for many grownup kids in Michigan who spent hot summer days twirling and swirling and riding the rails. That’s why it’s such an excellent venue for a team building trip for your employees, your sports team, or any other group of people who need to work closely together. To make the most of it and ensure an enjoyable and productive time is had by all, here are six tips for your team building trip to Cedar Point:
Topics: corporate team building, Ohio
Cedar Point for Scardey-Cats: Six Terror-Free Things to Do
If the thought of going to Cedar Point conjures death-defying roller coaster plunges and stomach-churning inversions, you will be happy to know the park offers dozens of other options that require much less intestinal fortitude. For the scardey-cats in your group, here are six great ways to enjoy Cedar Point, terror free:
Topics: Field Trips, Ohio
Is your school’s band, choir or choral group hoping to get in another performance before summer vacation? Or maybe you are trying to choose between an awesome performance opportunity and a group trip that is fun for everyone. If you plan your group trip to Cedar Point, you don’t have to choose just one; you can give that final performance and have a great time on some of the world’s most exhilarating rides!
Topics: Field Trips, Ohio
What’s the deal with roller coasters?
No, seriously. Why do so many of us—being of sound mind and body—dish out our hard-earned money to wait in long lines for the privilege of screaming in terror as we are forcefully jolted around and catapulted through the air, out of our control?
Turns out, there are theories about that.
Topics: Field Trips, Ohio, Charter Bus